I woke up in Milwaukee yesterday and felt a cold coming on. After taking some medicine, I hopped in the car and headed down to Chicago for an Italian Beef sandwich from Al's by Wrigley Field. After finishing the sandwich, I got back in the car and figured I'd drive to about the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line.
Once I saw the "Welcome to Pennsylvania" sign, there was no stopping. Up until I hit the Bellefonte exit of Rt 80. Two hours in park. After getting out to talk with other truck drivers, I figured out two tractor trailors had overturned at the bottom of the mountain.
Once I got to the next exit, I backtracked to State College and took 322 down to Harrisburg and came home on 78. I got home exhausted at 3:15 this morning.
Took the rental car back this evening. Guy thought something was wrong when he saw that I put over 8,500 miles on the car.
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